Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Mozart Lack of Sunlight

If only Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart spend more time outdoors to enjoy the sunshine, we may have more than the composer's masterpiece. Scientists found the composer, who died at the age of 35 years, not getting enough sunlight during their lifetime.
He lived in Austria, which is much fainter than most of Europe, and worked until laurt night and slept during the day. It prevents the body to produce vitamin D levels are adequate. Mozart suffered throughout his life, including kidney disease, smallpox, typhoid, tonsillitis, and strep throat.
Retired NASA scientist, Dr. William Grant, believed that vitamin D deficiency is a cause of ill health and his early death. Dr. Grant, sebagiamana reported the Daily Mail on Saturday (07/16/2011), said, "Almost all diseases have a relationship with vitamin D. If only Mozart knew about vitamin D and have access to the supplement, the results of his work during his lifetime could be doubled in number. "
"Sunshine vitamin" is important for bone health and is produced when skin is exposed to ultraviolet B rays from the sun. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with many medical conditions, and increase the risk of influenza, pneumonia, certain cancers, heart disease, and related musculoskeletal pain.
"The same thing happened to a number of other famous musicians who died at a young age. I think that modern musicians are not currently aware of the fact that by staying indoors, they do not get sufficient amount of vitamin D they need," said Dr. Grant.
The study, "Medical Problems of Performing Artists", also shows two other world-famous musicians died from lack of sunlight. English cellist, Jacqueline du Pre Mary, died in 1987 at the age of 42 due to multiple sclerosis, a disease that is related to vitamin D deficiency Austrian composer, Gustav Mahler, died in 1911 due to bacterial endocarditis, which is also caused by a deficiency of vitamin D.
Many people are speculating about the death of Mozart. He was buried three days after his death in 1791, and no autopsy is ever performed on his corpse.

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